What Do You Wanna Do Before You Die?

Have u guys ever thought about this matter?
Well, I have thought about it before but I didn't know what to do.
This question boomed just right on me yesterday when I was watching a tv show in 8TV.
Its called The Buried Life: What Do You Want To Do Before You Die
These four guys have made a long list of what they wanted to die before they die.
They had did so many things, funny, stupid, fun, helping other people. Wow. They made me wanna watch it!
I know this tv show its like last year. I think, cause, its like a lil old.
But I think, I really wanna do something before I die.

1. Be a boy for a day
2. Be a naughty girl for a day
3. Go out with a celebrity who I dream of( I hope this wish is possible! )
4. Go to Japan and be a model of Popteen

Etc, etc, I stil got a lot more but I just cant think what I wanna do. :)


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