Metal Box Restaurant & Cafe Review

I just went to this cafe today due to me and my friends from Advertising class wants to explore and expose ourselves to the world :p
I have to say, this cafe is actually quite hot and Empire Damansara's parking is like a maze..-.-
Anyways, let's continue with the post shall we?

Address: G12, Empire Damansara,
        47820, PJ, Selangor,

Tel: 03 - 7731 9560

The Metal Breakfast at RM21.90
I have to say that this is quite good.

I expected a lot for my latte art in my Mocha...
Anyways, the taste is not that creamy/heavy or not that light. 
It's just nice.
Priced at RM 11.90.

I love this shot that my friend took it for me.
Much feels in a photo 
All my photos today have #nofilter 
To be continued in the next post, stay tuned!
xoxo, Cecilia 


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