Being Pampered

I dont understand.
Why do old fashioned mothers pamper the sons so much more than the daughter.
I dont know why like seriously
I know the boys will be the heir of the riches of the family when they grow up but we girls own nothing.
I say like this cause my mum is the old fashioned type-of-lady and she pampers my brother a lot.
I dont get it.
When me and my sister wanted to this and that, she disagree and she'll scold us
And when my brother wanted to this and that, she agrees and pampers him. WTF
Like what, she's gonna give him all her riches?
Its so not fair to me and my sister.
When me and my sister said to our mum that she treats our brother different than us, she said that she treats us equally the same.
Okay, my father pampers me and we're much closer but we're still not close cause we dont really talk much and my father has really really bad issues bout himself
Back to the topic, she always stands out for our brother like this, but us, never.
My mum even kinda plead for my elder sis to do a favor for him.
I dont know about you guys whether having a mother like that but I think there are some of my friends of mine, have a problem like mine too.


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