Brunch with friends

Hey ya'll! I've visited and ate at this place today called Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf! The food is good and the ambience there is good too! A very good place to recommend and also its great to eat with your friends and family too! It's my first time here and also I got bored of being stuck at home and my workplace so I decided to plan with my uni friends on where to eat. Actually, one of my babe and my lame king friend was supposed to go but they couldn't so it's just the 3 of us ;) Alright! If you go there by using your Waze app, they'll bring you to a housing area in Bangsar but no worries, lemme tell you the trick to go there ngek ngek ngek~ Just Waze your way to Bangsar Village because the restaurant is located IN Bangsar Village. Once you get in, when you see their 'Village Grocer' just go your left end and go straight in and until the end, you'll see a sign stated 'Three Little Pigs and The Big Bad Wolf'. Me and Adri...