Before I Leave High School

Hey guys! It's been a long time since I've blogged..because I don't know what to talk about but today, I do have one because I'm havin insomnia :/
It's about high school.
I'm just typing what I feel like typing. Freestyle #likeaboss

#sorandom :DDD

In these two years of senior high school life, I had so many stupid stuff I fucking went through and it's part of life. Nothing is easy. Things will be hard all along the way in life.
In this incredible journey, I realised so many things.

1. Appreciate the friends who've went hell and heaven with you (of course with trusted friends)
2. There are so many fucking two-faced people, bitches and bastards. Just leave them. You don't want friends like that.
3. In my high school life, people who I love were taken away from me but the thing is, they've somehow managed to never forget me. I appreciate and love them so much even if they're not with me through every rain and sunshine
4. Do crazy and silly things you'll never forget
5. People change
6. I'll miss my friends like crazy
7. Forgive and forget...maybe? xD

That's all I wanna say. There's more to come. So please stay tuned with me and I'll post my graduation pictures and speeches in the next post. Goodbye and nights love <3 p="p">

This is my motivation. #THEBEST


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