Concerts are held when I'm BROKEEE

I don't know why so many awesome concerts keep on coming and GOD DAMN IT, WHY AM I BROKEEEE?!!! Okay, first, I'm SOOOOOOO mad at myself for not knowing this amazing function. Rainie Yang's Love Voyage World Tour and she friggin came to Malaysia today and no wonder all the chinese radios keep playing all the songs she had in her singing years. GOD DARN ITTTT! AHHHHHH! #RAGEMODE. I've been a fan of her since I was 13 when my aunt played her cd on her radio. Why didn't I know this?! Maybe my finals caused me to not know this LOL! Damn, hope she has another tour and I must make sure to not be broke ;) It's also confirmed that Linkin Park will have their world tour in Malaysia in 19th of August in National Stadium, Bukit Jalil! Thanks to a friend of mine in college that he posted it on the college group facebook page. Mannnn! I really wanna go! Been listening to them since I was 10. Wow. Cause of my aunt also ;) They had started their ticketing sale...