Today in art class, 1 of my friend, so called enemy....dont let my group stuff to put on his table. His name is.....I dont wanna say it....He is so selfish and damn it cc..Fuckin selfish!~. Damn it!~. Put my stuff on his table also canot!~. What kind of person is this!? A few months ago, he said to Sok Lin that if I wanna be friends with him, I must shout sorry for 10x in eng and science class so that he will be friends with me again! Is this what u call friends?! What the fuckin hell man! Some more, he always want other people not to friend me by saying '' I HATE POH KIM'' or ''DO U HATE POH KIM?'' ARGH!!!!!! I can't take it anymore! He always like that! But then I control & try to be patient with it.. And try not to care at all!
PS: ZC....Diana call me to type this down! She said tht u SUCK!
PS: ZC....Diana call me to type this down! She said tht u SUCK!