SGMUN 2011

SGMUN 2011, I think its kinda the suckiest conference I had been to but I have made a lotta new friends and seeing new people :3
I went to a cafe called Caffeinees and the food there aren't bad too!
There were only 7 delegates in SPECPOL and only 12 delegates in SOCHUM on the first day.
On the first day, seafood pizza made our whole day! It was AWESOME!
It was on 29-31 of July 2011.
Those three days were AWESOME!
There were a lot of boycotting thats why very few people joined :/
I saw my old friend, Carmen Goh and yeah, its been a long time we never talked :)
Well, less crapping and let the pictures talk!

The group photo :D



Suh Choi



Tom Yam, nomnom! This is what I ate on the 3rd day

Phooi Sze's escargots

Carmen's waffle ;p

I drank that :3

My cola!

The toilet ;p

What I ate on the 2nd day of MUN in Cafeinees

I love this pic the most :3


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