Beauty Products Review #1

Hello everyone~
I'll be reviewing these beauty products which include face and hair beauty 
I got these for free when female magazine came to my campus (Sunway University) for a mini roadshow to promote for their event I guess and I gr the hair products because their promoting their own products too.  
So I spin the wheel because you know, I'm a fan of female magazine and because I wanna win something. 
But unfortunately, I didn't win any big prizes but only got consolation prizes. 

The NuTeen Blackheads Away Gel and Baking Powder Pore Cleansing Foam from Etude House.

The gel in NuTeen smelled like tea tree oil because that was one of the main ingredients and also when you run into your face, it's texture is a bit sandy and little gel molecules is there. At first, I wasn't used to it but as time goes by, this product ain't bad and I have to say, it makes blackheads go away smoothly. But blackheads will comeback and they're not permanently gone. So it's a 7/10 :) 

For the Baking Powder cleansing foam from Etude House, it's texture is like baking powder and it smells like baking powder. It's also sandy but gives a smooth cleanse to the face. I have to say that it's really clean after I wash my face and felt refreshed and they remove dirty pores! I can't read the instructions at the back of the foam tho but I'm sure it works the same as any face wash. My review is 8/10! :) 

This Ellips hair oil is fragrant and the product wise, it's not bad as when your hair dries. The smoothness is still there.  So it's a 7/10. 

I got their hair treatment mask for free too! I gotta say that the product is seriously not bad and it's smooth too! But well, the effects are not as long lasting as any expert hair treatment but it's alright. I do recommend to use their products and I give it a 8/10! After drying, it's still smooth! :) 

Alright. That's all for now and hope you enjoy the review! 
Xoxo, Cecilia


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