Happi Bday Sir!
2day is Sir, Mr Adenan's bday! Sharon was remindin us tht it was his bday n made like a huge apreciation. We all, de form 2R students, signed it. I hav de biggest signature. Lol. Danish go n said 2 mi tht my signature is de biggest n he said hashishocangcingcong japanese signature. Hahaha. I laughed at tht time. We oso had a group pic. We use Lee Juans hp camera cuz its de bes in de wole clas. Pics wil comin up soon!
Jeslyn's Signature
My signature
Sharon's signature
De group picszz...
He's so happy!
The card...
Jeslyn's Signature
My signature
Sharon's signature
De group picszz...
He's so happy!
The card...